Archive for November, 2008

An Inconvenient Interruption

Posted in Art, Painting on November 8, 2008 by tupperstudio

To those of you who follow my work and wonder what’s become of me, I was diagnosed with cancer in May 2008 and underwent surgery in June.  It kept me from the studio in one way or another and slowed down the progress of my work although I participated in Portland Open Studios in October.  I feel as though I am getting back on the road to creating my work and look forward to a fruitful winter.  I am still at work on the Terra Series without leaving behind my beloved Technicolor Cows.  I hope to do more postings to my blog to keep my friends and follwers up-to-date.  Check back at least monthly to learn what progress my work is making and thanks for your interest and support.

I did complete one painting during Portland Open Studios that I like very much and hope you do too.

Technicolor Cows XVII

Technicolor Cows XVII